At BSG | BS&G | "Bharat Scouts & Guide Proficiency Badge" (Boy- Rovers)
- Boys Rovers Badges Customised Or Personalised Of Any Country In The World.
- Boys Scouts ( Cubs, Scouts, Rovers)
- Proficiency Badge Sewn-On Or Velcro Backing
- Proficiency Badge in Digital Or Machine- Hand Embroidery Crafted
- Proficiency Badge Suitable for Uniform
- Proficiency Badge Represents Your Achivement, Skill & Badge Awadred To Indivdual.
- Proficiency Badge the pride and honor of Achivement In Scouts
- Proficiency Badge Can Be Manufactured As Per Your Choice Design, Shape, Size Emboridery, Digital, Woven
- Upload your design,whats-app + 91 7411332284 / email:-
GROUP " PHYSICAL HEALTH ":- Athlete, Boxer, Climber, Explorer, Free Being Me, Gymnast, Rambler, Rock Climber, Self Defence, Sportsman, Yoga Instructor
GROUP " CHARACTER":-Family Life Educator, Heritage, Personality Development, Public Speaker, World Friendship
Cell Phone Mechanic, Computer Operator, Desert Folk, Fashion Designer, Fine Art, First Aider, Hair Dresser, Information Technology, Journalist, Modeling, Motor Mechanic, Photographer, Tailor, Web Safety
AIDS Awareness, Ambulance man, Blood Donor, Civil Defence, Community Worker, Disaster Management, Disaster Preparedness, Literacy, Population Educator, Polution Control, Rural Worker, Sanitation Promoter
Ecologist, Energy Conservation, Forester, Soil Conservation, World Conservation, World Scout Environment
For Sea Rover only: First knot, Second knot
For Air Rovers only: Airman, Air Mechanic, Air Navigator, Air Spotter, Aviator, . Flight Steward, Meteorologist
Aids Awareness: (i) Know & understand the modes of HIV transmission and the modes of prevention. (ii) Know the natural history of the disease. (iii) Know the steps taken by the health authorities towards preventing its spread. (iv) Plan any program of public awareness regarding. (a) The dangers of contracting the disease. (b) Modes of Transmission. (c) To dispel myths & disinformation regarding HIV infection & AIDS. (d) Methods of prevention in the individual & in the Community. (e) Organise a Rally and Nukkad Natak or a Quiz Competition with the help of your Crew/team to create awareness among the people.
Air Mechanic 1) Knowledge of various mandatory documents like Certificate of Registration, Certificate of Airworthiness, Flight Manual, and Export Certificate of Airworthiness. 2) Method of identifying approved material on Aircraft. 3) General knowledge of the procedure of jacking, leveling, and mooring of aircraft 4) Knowledge of maintenance and handling of equipment used in the maintenance of aircraft. 5) Knowledge of safety and fire precautions to be observed during maintenance, refueling, and defueling of aircraft 6) Knowledge of color coding, symbols, or other markings to identify fluid systems pipelines, rubber parts, and other aircraft systems of aircraft. 7) Knowledge of various Aircraft manuals, ATA system of classification, inspection schedules, and time limits. 8) Knowledge of material, parts, and use of hand tools, simple machine tools, and precision measuring instruments. 9) Should have a through knowledge of Piston Engines, Jet Engines, Turbine Engines, and Propellers.
Air Spotter (1) Recognize within 20 seconds the display of silhouettes of the latest six military and six civil aircraft in service in our country. (2) Make three model airplanes (uses of kit permissible) for identification purposes and practices. These models need not fly. (3) Know National markings, both service and civil of aero planes of India and two foreign countries. (4) From observation records over a period of three months, the passing of a number of airplanes stating, where possible, date, time, and place seen, the direction in which flying, whether service or civil, number, state of weather and country of origin or demonstrate the ability to identify actual aircraft in flight. (5) Know the latest fighter planes used in the Indian Air Force and describe any one Fighter Plane.
Airman 1. Know about the air traffic signals with demonstration 2. Know how to use the radio call signs. 3. Know about the Radar signal measurements and readings. 4. Know how to operate the control panel switches and other measuring devices in the pilot cock pit. 5. Know how to take off and land the aircraft from airstrips.
Athlete (1) Demonstrate proper methods of sitting, standing, walking, running, and starting a race. (2) Give evidence of proper training and of taking regular bodily outdoor exercises. (3) Ggain points in four of the following: IInd Class 6 points, Ist class -8 points, Special - 10 points (i) 100 meters run 14 secs 13 secs 12 secs (ii) 800 meters run 2.46 secs min. - 2 min. 23 secs - 2 min.12 secs. (iii) Running High Jump 1.08 metres 1.16 metres 1.25 metres. (iv) Running Long Jump 3 metres 4 metres 5 metres. (v) Throwing cricket ball 46.5 meters 51.00 meters 66.00 meters. OR Putting the shot (8.11bs) 8.10 meters,9.62 meters 10.53 meters. (vi) Dands and Baithaks 25 dands 50 dands 80 dands (86 secs.) (1 minute 10 secs.) (2 mins) Squat Thrust (25 secs.)
Aviator 1. (i) Know proper conduct to adopt and ordinary safety precautions to follow when on an aerodrome or near aircraft. (i) Indicate wind direction for landing both by day and night and assist in taxing and towing an aircraft. (ii) Use chocks, and improvise them. Understand the importance of keeping people away from an aircraft, when stationary or moving and the necessity of leaving a wrecked machine, or parts of it undisturbed, until police or officials arrive. (iii) Show what constitutes a reasonable landing ground and name three possible landing grounds in the neighborhood: also know compass directions of principal aerodromes within 80 km. of Headquarters. 2. Have a knowledge of the theory of flight and aerodrome: Construct a model aeroplane (use of kit permitted) which shall have the following minimum flight (third-like performance) GLIDER: (i) Hand launched 60 seconds. (ii) Tow launched with a maximum of 60 meters line 45 seconds. AEROPLANE: I. Rubber powered 30 seconds II Engine powered with control line(15 seconds maximum motor run) 45 seconds II. Demonstrate his model by making: A. A smooth take-off, B. three laps flights at approximately 2 meters and C. climb and dive with a smooth landing.
7. Blood Donor : (1) Know functions, composition, and volume of blood in a human body. (2) Know the suitability of persons to donate blood. (3) Donate his blood. (4) Educate at least 25 people about the harmlessness in donating blood. (5) Enlist at least 5 donors and help them donate blood. (6) Help local doctors in their efforts to collect blood. (7) Prepare posters for appeals to donate blood and exhibit them in key places.
8. Boxer : 1. Know the safety equipment like head gears tooth guard and hand gloves. 2. Always STAY hydrated. 3. He should have good physical fitness. 4. He should go to the Gym and practice to improve his weight lifting and fist strong. 5. He should undergo the coaching camp by a trained Boxing coach or Professional for a period of six months and submit a report. 6. He should participate in the Block level, District level, and State level or open invitation Boxing competition & report to the badge committee / Badge examiner.
9. Cell Phone Mechanic: 1. Have knowledge of the History of Cell phones 2. Classify phones based on the Application of the phone. 3. Classify phones based on their Operating system. 4. Differentiate between GSM, CDMA, LTE, and VOLTE. 5. Learn how to debug various errors on a phone. 6. Know how to install an application on your phone. 7. Have a keen knowledge of mobile networking. 8. List the various parts in a given Cell Phone. 9. Learn how to navigate on a Smartphone. 10. List out the most common mobile applications (Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Rail, etc) and their uses. 11. Undertake a minimum period of three months of training in repairing Mobile Phones
10. Civil Defence : (1) Know details of Civil Defence Organisation Service existing in his mohalla or one-kilo meter around the residence, the school, or place of work; for instance name of the Warden, location of Warden’s Post, First aid Posts, Dispensaries, Hospitals, and other A.R.P. Services available in the area. (2) Know how to fill in Report Form correctly in respect of emergencies and send written reports to Warden concerned. (3) Know first aid treatment and methods of rescue in case of casualties that are likely to happen in air raids and other emergencies. (4) Know methods of firefighting (5) Produce a certificate as having registered his services with the Civil Defence Organisation of the mohalla or area and as having received training in one of the following Defence Services. (a) Fire- fighting Squad, (b) First-Aid party, (c) Rescue party, (d) Messenger Services, and (e) Telecommunication. (6) Qualify for Pathfinder’s Badge as for Scouts. (7) Qualify for any one of the following badges as for Scouts. (a) Hospital man, (b) Ambulance man, (c) Fireman. Note: Badges mentioned in (6) & (7) above are not to be worn by Rovers.
Community Worker: (1) Know the process of Community Development. (2) Convince at least twelve young villagers and start a Rover crew. (3) Become a liaison between the Community and other resources of development i.e., banks, Hospitals, Specialists, etc. (4) Help people plan for solving at least two of their basic needs e.g. Clean water, School Building, Vegetable market place and so on. (5) Organise an Immunization camp in his village mohalla/slum. (6) Promote and participate in a sustained Community Development program. (7) Serve as a reserve force of such camp actively assisting units as Instructor, Examiner, and Camp adviser. etc.
Computer Operator: 1. Knowledge about the history of computers. 2. Distinguish between hardware and software. 3. Identify and classify different devices in a computer. 4. Knowledge of RAM, ROM, CPU, PROCESSOR, and Operating system. 5. Have to be well versed with M.S. Office and helped your Local/Dist. Association at least three months in data entries. 6. Educate a minimum of Ten local youths on the use of Basic computer knowledge. 7. Have knowledge about various software and its uses. 8. Have knowledge of the Internet and its settings. 9. Have knowledge of how to store files on hard disks, pen drives, flash drives, SD Cards, CDs, etc.
13. Climber: (1) Have completed the age of 18 years. (2) Have knowledge of a mountainous area covering at least 4 km. Radius and show that he is personally acquainted with principal routes to the summit or peaks and to points of interest in the area of emergency. (3) Draw an intelligible sketch showing such information, and identify peaks from a distance by their appearance. (4) Find his way to a given point in a mountainous area, using a compass and one-inch survey of India map (or its local equivalent) and display a climbing ability(5) Know local weather conditions, and what to do in emergencies, such as being overtaken by darkness, snow storm and mountain sickness or mist. Know the dangers of landslides. (6) Know first aid treatment for fractures, dislocation, bruises, concussion, shock, and edema of the Lungs, and know methods of transportation of patients. (7) Have hiked in a mountainous area at a height of at least 1200 meters for a week out of which at least three nights must be consecutive using minimum hiking equipment. (8) Have a knowledge of the necessary equipment for hiking on mountains in different weather conditions and different attitudes. (9) Have attended a recognized Basic Course on Mountaineering.
Desert Folk: Have knowledge of the following: (1) “Life in the desert” Through his own study and observation of life in the desert knows the following. (i) Geographical situations land, river, climate, etc. (ii) How people live. (iii) Standard and way of life, costumes normally worn, food habits, etc. (iv) Normal habits of the people, special customs, traditions, religion, superstitions, and taboos. (v) General problems of people created by nature and ways of solving them. Submit reports of three hikes undertaken for the study above. The report should cover an area of 15sq miles (24sq. km) all around his village or town and should include a report regarding the village, place of habitation, routes, place of water, oasis, and camping sites in the area. (2) Nature study : (i) Should know and collect common proverbs and sayings for forecasting weather, and prepare a log of his own observations based on these sayings. (ii) Find out the velocity of the wind. (3) Water and irrigation. (i) know methods of irrigation, methods of cleaning water, and know danger of using polluted water. Know assistance given by the Government for the removal of water scarcity. (ii) Know the principal crops and cereals of the area: the canal or dam used for irrigation and ways to conceive water in a field. (iii) Handicraft: Should prepare a piece of rope out of natural material available in the area or weave a cot or prepare a model out of natural material available in the area or prepare a thatching with natural material found in the area and show its use. (4) Hikes (i) Through hikes undertaken, obtain knowledge of special natural phenomena of desert areas viz: mirage, Bhanwari (landslide), etc. (ii) Perform service of at least 51 hours in the anti-locust campaign or any other kind of approved social service.
Disaster Management: 1. Know the definition of Disaster and Hazard. 2. Know various types of disasters expected in their area – Natural and man-made. 3. Know about the role of different agencies working on Disaster Management. 4. Be able to explain what is Disaster Preparedness and list out different tips for Disaster Preparedness.5. Be able to explain what is relief operation and the role of Rovers in a relief operation. 6. Have knowledge of Civil Defence, Fire Brigade, and Ham Services. 7. Must have knowledge of Modern First-Aid, Rescue Services, and Blood Donations in respect of a relief operation and in case of trauma. 8. Have knowledge about the accident-prone areas in your locality. 9. Be able to communicate by various means i.e. HAM, telecommunication, internet, etc. 10. Be able to state the Rehabilitative method and find out Government Agencies and NGOs that can support it. 11. Help or participate in a relief operation.
Disaster Preparedness: 1. Know the type of Disaster. 2. Attend Disaster Management Course organized by Bharat Scouts & Guides or any other recognized Institution. 3. Have general knowledge of Civil Defense and Rescue methods. 4. Organise Public Awareness Campaign through Exhibition, Nukkad Natak, home-to-home surveys, Film Shows, etc for the precaution to be taken before & during the Earth Quake, Flood, War, or any other locally expected disaster. The syllabus will be published separately.
Ecologist : (1) Know about the other agencies working for ecological balance. (2) Propagate against cutting trees. (3) Organise Van Mahotsav in monsoons. (4) Educate people about pollution problems in the area. (5) Work for solving any three of the following problems: (a) Soil erosion (b) Tree Cutting (c) Killing animals (d) Wastage of water or water pollution (e) Air pollution (f) Littering. (g) Noise pollution. (6) Organise an Exhibition in the locality for ecological balance awareness OR Organise Nukkad Natak in the locality for public awareness about the importance of trees (7) Organize an awareness program on any special events like environmental day, earth day, anti-tobacco, etc.
Energy Conservator: 1. Have knowledge of different types of Energy Sources and their uses. 2. List the nonconventional energy resources available in our country. 3. Have knowledge of electricity supply system. 4. Show thriftiness and Switch off lights & fans when not in use. 5. Know how to set split/window AC. 6. Have knowledge of Solar Energy, govt. schemes on Solar Energy, its supply agencies and promote solar energy use in the locality 7. Have knowledge of different ways and means for electric energy conservation.8. Prepare an effective report and submit it to examiners for the above showing the energy saved for a period of three months.
Explorer: 1. Know how to read different types of maps and find locations on it. 2. Mark Important places on a map. 3. Hike or trek for a minimum 75 Km with another member in five days away from your locality and explore a new place, also collect pictures and prepare a sketch map. 4. Guide another four members of your group to visit the same place. 5. Enlist the flora and fauna found in that area. 6. Know the geographical features of the explored sites.
Family Life Educator: Family life education focuses on healthy family functioning within a family systems perspective and provides a primarily preventive approach. The skills and knowledge needed for healthy functioning are 1. To teach and foster the knowledge and skills of five families to enable individuals and families to function optimally. 2. Educate Family members in the locality about the adverse effect of having more children and submit a brief report to the examiner. 3. Have knowledge about substance abuse, domestic violence, unemployment, debt, and child abuse and organize a campaign for its prevention for any two subjects. 4- Arrange an exhibition with posters on family life education. 5. Motivate five families to accept family welfare programs and motivate at least five couples to accept any of the govt. scheme under Population Control. Submit an effective report to the examiner.
Fashion Designer: 1. Have knowledge about the various areas of fashion design. 2. Know about the terms related to fashion design. 3. Draw at least four designs of any one i.e. Plain Frock, Blouse, Basic T-Shirt, Shirts, or Ladies Top. 4. List at least five fashion designing institutions. 5. Prepare and show in front of the examiner a Basic T-Shirt or Ladies' Top for the age of 5 to 8 years kids as per the choice. 6. Able to use in a Design – line, shape, form, color & texture. Lines – varieties and their application. 7. Have knowledge of the Principles of Design - Balance, proportion, harmony planning the shapes and space. 8. Skirts or Trousers – Basic concepts in designing a variety of skirts/trousers.
Fine Art: 1. A Rover / Ranger may offer any one of the following subjects:- I. Drawing and Painting Sketching, proportion sketching, drawing, and light & shade, painting still-life, landscape. II. Sculpture:- Relief and round sculpture, modeling with clay, terra-cotta, carving in wood and stone bronze casting, Graphics, III. Applied Arts :- Prepare designing in any one of the following arts and show your efficiency: a. industrial design, b. graphic design, c. fashion design, d. interior design e. decorative arts f. architecture g. photography IV. Commercial Arts: Prepare a Magazine Cover page or News Paper cover Page design 2. Prepared the master peace and keep exhibit the same in the training center or exhibition, the selected work/art should be started in the presence of the examiner.
First Aider: 1. Have knowledge of the Principles of First Aid and Golden Rules. 2. How to help a person whose clothes have caught fire? 3. Demonstrate a mock drill in your locality in case of cloth fire. 4. Demonstrate and train your crew or company members how to rescue a person from sight of fire, and how to rescue a person from poisonous gases? 5. Throwing a lifeline. Rescuing and carrying a patient from drowning, Reaching the victim, Stabilisation the victim in the water, and Resuscitation (ABC). 6. Render a three-month service campaign at the nearest health/First Aid centers or hospitals and submit an effective report to the examiner.
First Knot: 1. To have knowledge of types of ropes and their parts. 2. To Know about what is Hitches, Bends, Bights, and Stopper Knots. 3. To Know what is Jam? 4. To earn Scout Pioneer Badge 5. Know how to tie and the uses for each of these knots. a. Double Sheet Bend b. Tautline hitch c. Left-handed Sheet Bend d. Thief Knot e. Overhand Knot f. Savoy Knot g. Waterman’s Knot h. Lark’s Head 25. Flight Steward: 1. Possess the following qualification: a. Must have passed out at least 12th standard (Intermediate) b. Height should be a minimum of 154.5 cm for Air Hostess and 170 cm for Flight Steward c. Able to control his weight and should not be more than 60 kgs d. Vision: 6/24 in each eye (Normal eyesight) 2. Must be able to show communication skills in person and be able to speak/read and understand English and Hindi. 3. Know how to the reception of the guest and take care of them. 4. Know how to cater (distribute) water, tea/coffee/ cool drinks, and meals. 5. Develop General knowledge and current affairs. 6. Understand the job and responsibility of Air Hostess.7. Have knowledge of different airlines and their offices operating in India. 8. Have knowledge of the Institute providing training for the Air Hostess & Flight Steward.
Forester: 1. Gain knowledge on forest and its growth process and the effect of forest on the life cycle. 2. Ability to identify a tree based on leaves, trunk, and shape of the tree. 3. List the uses of at least 50 trees. 4. Educate people and conduct awareness on deforestation and its harmful effects. 5. List the alternate use of alternative fuel instead of wood 6. Define and explain in detail the Greenhouse effect. 7. List and classify the types of forests. 8. Spread awareness on the judicious use of wood and set an example during campfires and demonstrate alternatives. 9. Observe world forest day and tree plantation program. At least 20 trees to be planted.
Free Being Me: 1. Understand the concept of FBM. 2. Undergo Peer Educator Workshop of FBM. 3. Lead at least 50 Scouts/Guides and ensure their earning of FBM badge. 4. Lead at least 20 Scouts/Guides and ensure their registration in MOP. 5. Upload at least 200 hrs service report on the MOP site.
Gymnast: Guides should not enter for this badge unless they have been taught by a trained gymnast. (i) Have a good upright carriage and walk and run well. (ii) Be attending gymnastic classes at school or some other approved physical training at least once a week. (iii) Perform at the table of free-standing exercises approved by the examiner. (iv) Perform a table of the following in good style on the narrow side of a balancing form of a bar. a. Walk forward throwing and catching a ball at every step. b. walk sideways without support. c. Stand on form, lift arms and right leg sideways, replace, step forward, and repeat, raising the other leg. d. Walk with knees fully bent and stretch every third step. v) Perform one of the following groups: a. Climb a rope at least 5 meters. Travel sideways on the bar or wall bars both ways. OR Travel backward or bar. b. handstand unsupported. OR Under or over somersault on a bar or improvised apparatus. OR Reverse hanging vertically between two ropes.
Hair Dresser: 1. Have knowledge of Hair Cutting and Shaving and be able to do. 2. Have knowledge about the job responsibility, Visit the nearest parlor and gather information about hair treatments, Massages, coloring & shampoos for different types of hair. 3. Be able to change the hairstyle of a Rover / Ranger during cultural events and submit the report to the examiner. 4. Know the procedure of hair dye and do it at least for 2 people.
Heritage: Prepare a Log Book of knowledge and information on 1. Physical Environment of India (famous hills, rivers, etc.) Common trees Common plants and their uses Common birds Rare flora and fauna of the region. Seasons and festivals. Meaning and significance, Their family and festivals, Traditions Related to festivals, Seasons, Songs in local languages, and poems. II. Have a basic knowledge of Indian Art, Culture, and Heritage. III. Arts of India and the World Famous Architectural style and sculptures Places of worship, Music, Dances, Theatre forms Literature, and famous writers and poets. IV. Practical work (Optional – any four). a) Educate 5 people in his locality on Indian art, culture, religion, and social development and its impact on foreign countries. b) Know about the Govt. departments and other Non-Govt. agencies, which are working to maintain and restore art, archaeological ruins, and monuments and prepare a brief report on the same. c) Organize at least one competition/exhibition/ quiz program on topics relating to cultural heritage. d) Identify major areas inhabited by wild animals in the country & prepare a write-up. e) Adopt any archaeological site or monument and look after it for a period of two months to contribute to keeping its upkeep and submit a report. f) Learn & serve as a guide to the monuments for local schools and community and take at least one group to any such place.
Information Technology: 1. Knowledge about Operating systems and their concepts. 2. Knowledge about Data storage and classify them. 4. Have practical knowledge of the following software- Photoshop or Coral Draw. 5. List the various functions of the Database. 6. Know about at least 10 websites and their uses. 7. Convince your Unit members to have their One e-mail id to compose their own mail. 9. Explain the telecommunication medium with various examples.10. Explain the Latest operating system by Microsoft technology and explain its features. 11. Demonstrate the use of the Internet and explain its Importance. 12. List the various type of Protocols on the Internet. Submit the diary to the examiner.
Journalist: 1. Produce a report for at least two pages written by herself of group/Local/Dist. activities. 2. Be able to prepare a report of any one of the following events: Lecture or address; debate or discussion; party or rally. 3. Should have served as a scribe at least on six occasions. 4. Be able to edit and submit any speech or report to the satisfaction of the examiner. 5. Should have served on the editorial staff of a paper or magazine for at least six months. 6. Understand the printer’s corrections signs and do proofreading at least one book or a magazine and submit the same to the examiner. 7. Prepare a press release on an important event of a group and get it published in any of the News Paper.
Literacy : (1) Organise a literacy drive for adults of the village/locality. (2) Organise a survey and motivate parents to make sure that no girl in the area is deprived of education. (3) Help / start a night school for adults/girls/dropouts. (4) Teach three R’s (Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic) to at least ten illiterate people or help 10 children in their studies. (5) Prepare at least 10 posters to motivate Adult Literacy and Girl Education campaign. (6) Arrange an exhibition with posters etc. published by Government and Non - Governmental Organisations. (7) Organise Nukkad Natak/skit in the locality for awareness..
Modeling: 1. Focus on keeping your skin clear and glowing. Shiny and healthy hair is important, Fitness is important. Show your progress in these areas. 2. Decide what kind of model you hope to be. 3. Visit a modeling agency / Studio for a period of two weeks, Take some snapshots like a model. 4. Be professional, polite, and courteous. 5. Develop relationships with photographers, Treat modeling like a real job, and prepare your profile with at least 100 photographs. 6. Organise and participate in local / College level Modeling competitions/Fashion Shows. 5. Develop relationships with photographers, Treat modeling like a real job, and prepare your profile with at least 100 photographs. 6. Organise and participate in local / College level Modeling competitions/Fashion Shows.
Motor Mechanic : (1) Understands the working of internal combustion engines and knows the names and functions of all principal parts. (2) Demonstrate ability to: (i) Oiling & greasing the chassis points, and attend to oil level in the gearbox and back axle. (ii) Top up the battery. (iii) Adjust brakes. (iv) Replace a car wheel. (v) Check ignition timing, and clean and test sparking plugs. (vi) Dismantle, clean, reassemble, and adjust the carburetor. (3) Show how to maintain kilometer records of petrol consumption. (4) Be able to make a systematic check on the car that is unable to start and determine the underlying fault. (5) Hold a Driving License and drive a four-wheeler at least for 50 km.
Personality Development: 1. Cultivate pleasant manners traits skills, perseverance, tolerance, and confidence in the Rovers / Rangers. 2. Have knowledge of the subjects required for Personality Development and show your progress. 3. Have good communication skills. 4. Helped at least 5 members of your unit for their personality development.
Photographer : (1) Take and print eight separate subjects, two interiors, two landscapes, and two instantaneous photographs. (2) Have knowledge of the theory and use of lenses, construction of digital cameras, and Action of developers. (3) Prepare an Album in a soft copy or with a hard copy of the photographs of Rovers/Rangers activities and natural scenes. (4) Work as a photographer in any one event at the Local/ Dist/State or National level event of Bharat Scouts and Guides.
Pollution control: 1. Have knowledge about various types of pollution and how to control them. 2. Know about Government Departments, NGOs, and International agencies working for pollution control. 3. Prepare a poster or 20 slogans related to pollution problems. 4. Organise a campaign to control pollution in your locality. 5. Organise a quiz in school or in your locality and educate children about pollution control.
39. Population Education : (1) Educate people about (a) The rights of a child (b) the Adverse effects of having more children (i) On children, (ii) On the mother, (iii) On family, (iv) On community, (c) National problems because of population explosion. (2) Motivate five persons to accept Family Welfare Programme. (3) Promote a Family Planning drive in a locality where there is a need. (4) Arrange an exhibition with Posters, published by UNO on the subjects.
Public Speaker: 1. Prepare a list of important elements to be considered in public speaking and should know the level of audience to whom you are addressing. 2. Prepare a talk (write up) on any five of the following subjects: I. Social problems (dowry/female infanticide/ communal riots) II. Environmental issues III. Great political leaders of our country/world IV. Problems related to children (Child labor, child abuse, child marriages, V. Cultural variations in India VI. Role of Media in our Country VII. Religious tolerance VIII. Career development 3. Give a talk to a group of audience for 10 minutes on any subject of your Choice. 4. Give a talk to a group of audience for 15 minutes on any subject given by the examiner.
Rambler : (1) Attain competency to instruct a Scout in the requirements of following proficiency Badges of a Scout and prove that he has trained at least one Scout in it; Camper, Climber, Explorer, Hiker, Pioneer. (2) Must be qualified in first aid to the standard of Ambulance Man Badge of Scouts. (3) Walk, or make passage in a kayak or boat (Sailing or rowing) an aggregate of 161kms. (100 miles) or go 300 km by pedal cycle with an overnight stay, outside towns, during weekends or holiday hikes for 600 kms. Motorbike with a proper driving license with relevant papers, must keep a log of his journeys to be handed over, on completing a total of 161 or 300 km, this log should give dates, places, and distances and should preferably give information that would be of use to other hikers such as place of interest to be visited on the route, good camping places, sarais, and dharma shala, hint for finding a way at a difficult point, together with passage notes of boat journeys, with tidal or other useful information and plans of harbors, inland waterways, etc. Sketch maps and nature notes should be included.
Rock Climber: 1. Should have completed the age of 16 years. 2. Know and prepare the log book for different types of climbing techniques with gears used. 3. Know communication skills in case of emergency. 4. Knowledge of First Aid in case of emergency. 5. Hike at above 1200 meters height for a period of 05 days. 6. Enroll as a member of a Mountaineering Club / Institute and participate in the rock climbing program and submit the report with evidence. Or Participate in any National Adventure Programme organized by SHQ or NAI / NHQ Bharat Scouts & Guides and submit a report to the badge examiner.
Rural Worker : (i) Have detailed information about the village, such as the area, population, occupation, products, wells and other sources of water supply, traditions, the number of children of school age, and the number of literate persons. (ii) Have a general knowledge of village sanitation, (especially pertaining to preventable diseases) administration and village panchayat. (iii) Produce a record of continuous useful service (literacy, adult education, sanitation and cleanliness, farming, labor work, prohibition, games, etc.) to the village extending over a period of at least six months or have worked in a recognized village labor camp for at least a period of fifteen days. (iv) Help get at least 50 people checked for Leprosy. (v) Help at least 20 children to get immunized. (vi) Teach “Oral Rehydration Therapy” for at least 6 mothers. (vii) Organise or help in a campaign on eye care/dental care in your village/mohalla/slum. (viii) Teach neighbors the management of diarrhea and dysentery or delousing for men.
Sanitation Promoter: Make a survey in a given locality and help people in the following ways : (i) (a) Using clean water for drinking. (b) Demonstrate the process of filtering, boiling, and storing water. (c) Demonstrate the use of a charcoal water filter. (ii) Protecting grains from rats and other rodents. (iii) Protecting cooked food from flies, mosquitoes, dirt, etc. (iv) Showing the correct ways of disposing of the waste and use of compost pit. (v) Educating people about the dangers of defecating in the open. (vi) Erecting inexpensive and effective latrines. (vii) Convincing women on the use of Smokeless Chulhas. (viii) Enthusing people belonging to at least 25 houses to use health salts with the help of handbills/posters prepared by himself.
Second Knot: Know how to tie and the uses for each of these knots. a. Nautical Knot b. Carrick Bend c. Sailors Knots d. Monkey Fist Knot e. Hangman’s Knot 46. Self Defence: Choose Karate or Judo or Kungfoo A. Karate: A systematic sequential training in Karate under a qualified expert leading up to Karate Defense against grabbing attacks will be the requirement. Be able to demonstrate correctly any 2 of the following groups to the examiner. Group-A Warm-up exercises, Karate Stances, punching & striking techniques, Breathing techniques, and any 4 Karate forms. Defense against grabbing attack.Group-B Warm up exercise, Karate Stances, Defensive blocking Techniques, Breathing Techniques, Any 4 Karate forms. Defense against grabbing attacks. B. Judo: Attend a course of instruction by a qualified coach. (i) Be able to demonstrate and explain any two of the following : (a) Break falling to sides and rear and forward rolling. (b) Balance breaking. (c) Fundamental postures, tsugiashi and taisbaki. (d) A hip throw. (e) O-soto-gari. (f) Kesagatame. (ii) Have a knowledge of basic self-defense including: (a) At least six points of attack on the body. (b) Releases from wrist grips of front strangles. (c) Koongfoo: Earn White Belt of Koongfoo.
Soil Conservation : (1) Understand changes that happen on the surface of the earth e.g. Erosion. Transportation and Deposition and know its reasons. (2) Have general knowledge of problems of soil erosion, its danger, kind, causes, and methods of preventing these. (3) Study the problem of soil erosion and prepare a log giving information about various programs being carried out in the country regarding, soil conservation, afforestation and removal of water scarcity. Prepare a log based on his own observation and experience regarding local problems of soil conservation. He should have spent three months in the study. (4) Understand the importance of methods used for soil conservation such as Mer Bandi (tree plantation) or afforestation and filling up the gully (Khai Patan) etc. and must have given service in any of these projects of at least 24 hours. Produce a record of service rendered. (5) With the help of his Patrol plant at least ten saplings of fruit-bearing plants and look after these for three months. (6) Have general knowledge of the organization, work, and experiments of the Soil Conservation Board of his area. (7) Must have rendered 40 hours of service for soil conservation. (8) Should be able to understand the Theory of Balance of Nature and be able to explain it by two examples connected with animal life or vegetable life. Should know the causes and remedial efforts for the conservation of flora and fauna and should have participated in any scheme connected with it.
Sportsman: 1. Should read the life history of a great sportsman 2. Have knowledge of at least four National/International Sports rules. 3. Show proficiency in any two games of the following(one in each group). a. Hockey, Football, Tennis, Cricket, Badminton. b. Netball, Basketball, Throw Ball, Long jump, High jump. 4. Take 07 km. Walk in one hour & participate in block, district, or state-level games. or Undergo a three-month coaching camp under a qualified coach for any sport of your choice.
Tailor: 1. Must show knowledge of cutting out simple garments in cotton and woolen materials from patterns given at the examination. 2. Stitch the following and bring to the examiner: (a) A blouse or baby’s frock or shirt (b) A pair of knickers or a petticoat. 3. Know how to make buttonholes, set gathers in a bend or bind an edge, patch in cotton material, patterned print flannel, or woven material. 4. Be able to stitch your own uniform.
Web Safety: 1. Read the licensing agreement of the software before downloading or installing software. 2. Have a good knowledge of Anti Virus Software to be installed in your computer system/laptop and the procedure of Uninstalling. 3. Know the advantages and disadvantages of Internet 4. Know how to secure our computers from hacking. 5. Using at least two social media, promote the safety and security of internet users to at least 10 friends. 6. Undertake a web safety campaign in your locality for a period of Three months and submit the report to the examiner.
World Conservation: (1) Explain the meaning of the following terms. (i) Ecology (ii) Conservation (iii) Balance of nature (iv) Life Chain (v) Life Cycle (vi) Biosides (vi) Recycling (vii) Photosynthesis (viii) Organic and inorganic material (ix) Humus. 2. Make a drawing that shows how oxygen moves in a cycle. 3. Give an example illustrating ecological interrelationship – how man, animal, vegetation, and other sources are depending on each other. 4. Demonstrate knowledge of the effect of forest fires, the effect of water pollution, and the activities of mankind in general on wildlife. 5. Tell a few causes of the flood and state some methods of flood control. 6. Show that he knows major organizations and institutions in the country concerned with conservation. 7. Know the location of major nature reserves in the country and why they have been kept. 8. Show that he is familiar with the main conservation laws of the country. 9. Do two of the following: (i) Take part in a project arranged by the World Wild Life Fund or the International Union of Conservation of Nature (IUCN), spending at least 24 hours, not exceeding eight hours at a time. (ii) Take an active part in major conservation projects spending at least 40 hours. (iii) Take the initiative to carry out one of the following conservation projects himself. (a) An anti-litter campaign (b) restoration and or beautification of a piece of land, (c) muster public opinion through an information campaign, (d) make posters, (e) arrange demonstrations (f) prepare and set up an exhibition, (g) prepare handouts. 10. Do one of the following: (i) Spend at least two periods, of four hours each with a Forest Ranger or a Conservation officer and make a report on his observation over the periods. (ii) Attend a camp of not less than three days duration during which conservation and nature study form a main part of his program. (iii) Complete a special conservation task developed and decided by him and his examiner. Note: The badge is accompanied by a certificate signed by the State Chief Commissioner. The badge is worn on the left sleeve of the shirt below the Rashtrapati Rover Award.
World Friendship: (1) Have a knowledge of the geography, history, and people of at least three countries other than his own. (2) Have corresponded regularly for not less than one year (at least nine letters) with a Rover of some other country. (3) Have some knowledge of the organization and activities of the World Organisation of Scout Movement and Prepare a log book on the International aspect of Scouting. (4) Have done at least three of the following: (i) Have kept an album or scrapbook for at least one year giving illustrated information on Rover articles, sports, culture, national affairs, and home life of another country. (ii) Know the purpose and organization of the United Nations Organisation, the function of its principal subsidiary agencies, the main points of the United Nations Charter, main principles of the Declaration of Human Rights and be able to explain these in simple terms. (iii) Have taken part in some practical activity of international character such as collection and distribution of relief supplies or assisted in some project of a non-partisan organization for promotion or world brotherhood. (iv) Entertain in his home for not less than three days a Rover from overseas. (v) Write a short essay on some aspects of contemporary World affairs.
53. World Scout Environment: The World Scout Environment Badge is an international award, All Scouts around the world will wear the badge on the uniform to demonstrate Scouting’s concern for, and active stewardship of, the environment. Requirements:- 1. People and natural systems have clean water and clean air. Visit your community’s water treatment facilities. Determine the sources of clean water in your local community. B Research the air quality in your local community. 2. Sufficient natural habitat exists to support native species. Visit an appropriate natural area and remain outside for 36 hours. Observe the changes that take place over this period by keeping a log of weather, light, sounds, smells, animals, birds, etc. B Walk through a natural area of about 1 hectare, noting how the plants and animals are interconnected. 3. The risk of harmful substances to people and the environment are minimized. Observe and create an inventory of the chemicals commonly used in your community. B Explore the impact of harmful substances on local people. C Learn about specialized training that emergency preparedness organizations undertake and take a basic level course of this training. • Emergency first aid,72-hour emergency kits, Search and rescue, Provincial emergency measures, Wilderness first aid. D Select a local environmental issue that relates to previous learning and to your local environment. Aims, Policy, Rules & Organisation 197 54. Yoga Instructor: Undergo the basic training of a Yoga Instructor. 1. Have a general knowledge about Yoga asana as an indigenous system of exercise for the general health of a person both in body and mind. 2. Demonstrate as an instructor for your crew/team members about alignment and how to avoid injuries. 3. Learn how to teach a yoga class as a workout. 4. Should have practiced yoga asana regularly for at least three months. 5. Should be able to demonstrate correctly to the satisfaction of the examiner. 6. Prepare a booklet on the History of yoga and Yoga asana within a period of three months. After approval by the examiner, the same may be distributed in yoga classes.
Government Of India:- Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports
REGIONAL HQ:- Central Regional HQ - New Delhi, Eastern Regional HQ- New Delhi, North East Regional HQ- New Delhi, Northern Regional HQ - New Delhi, Southern Regional HQ-New Delhi, Western Regional HQ- New Delhi, National Adventure Institute - Madhya Pradesh, National Youth Adventure Institute- Haryana, National Adventure Institute- West Bengal.
STATE HQ:- Bharat Scouts & Guides Chhattisgarh STATE HQ, Bharat Scouts & Guides Railway State HQ- Jabalpur, Bharat Scouts & Guides MP State HQ- Bopal, Bharat Scouts & Guides Rajasthan State HQ- Jaipur, Bharat Scouts & Guides Western Railway State HQ- Jaipur, Bharat Scouts & Guides South East Central Railway State HQ- Bilaspur, Bharat Scouts & Guides Bihar State HQ- Patna, Bharat Scouts & Guides Eastern Railway State HQ- Kolkata, Bharat Scouts & Guides East Central Railway HQ- Bihar, Bharat Scouts & Guides East Coast HQ- Odisha, Bharat Scouts & Guides Jarkhand State HQ, Bharat Scouts & Guides Odisha State HQ- Bhubaneshwar, Bharat Scouts & Guides South Eastern Railway State HQ-Kolkata, Bharat Scouts & Guides Arunachal Pradesh State HQ- Naharlagun, Bharat Scouts & Guides Assam State HQ- Guwahati, Bharat Scouts & Guides Manipur State HQ-West Imphal, Bharat Scouts & Guides Meghalaya State HQ- Shillong, Bharat Scouts & Guides Mizoram State HQ- Aizawl, Bharat Scouts & Guides Nagaland State HQ-Kohima, Bharat Scouts & Guides SIKKIM HQ- East Sikkim, Bharat Scouts & Guides Tripura State HQ-Agarthala , Bharat Scouts & Guides North East Frontier State HQ-Guwahati, Bharat Scouts & Guides Haryana State HQ- Chandigarh, Bharat Scouts & Guides Himachal Pradesh State HQ- Shimla, Bharat Scouts & Guides- Jammu & Kashmir State HQ- Jammu, Bharat Scouts & Guides Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan State HQ- New Delhi, Bharat Scouts & Guides Delhi State HQ-New Delhi, Bharat Scouts & Guides Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti State HQ-Noida, Bharat Scouts & Guides Northern Railway State HQ-New Delhi, Bharat Scouts & Guides North central Railway State HQ- Allahanad (UP), Bharat Scouts & Guides North Eastern Railway State HQ- Gorakhpur, Bharat Scouts & Guides Punjab State HQ-Chandigarh, Bharat Scouts & Guides Uttarakhand State HQ - Dehradun, Bharat Scouts & Guides Uttar Pradesh State HQ- Lucknow, Bharat Scouts & Guides Chandigarh State HQ-Chandigrah, Bharat Scouts & Guides Andaaman & Nicobar State HQ- Port Blair, Bharat Scouts & Guides Andhra Pradesh State HQ - Vijayawada, Bharat Scouts & Guides Karnataka State HQ-Bangalore, Bharat Scouts & Guides kerala State HQ- Thiruvanathapuram, Bharat Scouts & Guides Puducherry State HQ- Lawspet, Bharat Scouts & Guides Southern Railway HQ- Chennai, Bharat Scouts & Guides South Central Railway State HQ- Secunderabad, Bharat Scouts & Guides South Western Railway State HQ-Hubli, Bharat Scouts & Guides Tamil Nadu State HQ- Chennai, Bharat Scouts & Guides Telangana State HQ-Hyderabad, Bharat Scouts & Guides Central Railway State HQ-Mumbai, Bharat Scouts & Guides Goa State Hq-Panaji, Bharat Scouts & Guides Dadar & Nagar Haveli State HQ- Silvassa, Bharat Scouts & Guides Gujarat State HQ- Ahmedabad, Bharat Scouts & Guides maharashtra State HQ- Mumbai, Bharat Scouts & Guides Western Railway State Hq- Mumbai, Bharat Scouts & Guides National Adventure Institute -Pachmarhi, Bharat Scouts & Guides-National Youth Adventure Institute -Gadpuri (Haryana), Bharat Scouts & Guides- National Youth Adventure Institute- Darjeeling
Dr. Annie Besant Scouts & Guides- Bangalore Rural, Kondajji Basappa Scouts & Guides-Davanagere, BS&G STC -Tripura, UP BS&G STC -Allahabad, UP BS&G STC-Sheetlakhet (U.K)
BS&G " International Indian School- Dammam "- Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia, The Indian School -Bahrain,- Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia, Dubai Modern High School -Dubai U.A.E., Indian School Muscat- Sultanate Of Oman
WOSM- World Organisation Of Scout Movement- Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), World Scout Bureau Asia- Pacific Support Centre- Philippines, WAGGGS- World Association Of Girl Guides & Girl Scouts - London (United Kingdom),